✈ Trip from New York to San Francisco (2024)

Good to know

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Prices are for flights from New York to San Francisco for 1 adult in Economy. Flight times are based on nonstop flights or flights with the fewest stops available.

Flight information for New York to San Francisco to help you plan your next trip.

Cheapest round-trip flight$181

Frontier1 stop29 hrSep 5 — Sep 11

The cheapest round-trip flight from New York to San Francisco is currently $181
Cheapest one-way flight$96

Frontier1 stop29 hrAug 15

The cheapest one-way flight from New York to San Francisco is currently $96
Fastest flight5 hr 55 minThe fastest nonstop flight from New York to San Francisco takes 5 hr 55 min
Nonstop flightsEvery dayThere are direct flights on this route every day.

When is the cheapest time to fly?

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Typical prices for the least expensive flights for 1-week trips from New York to San Francisco per month. Insights are based on fares observed in the last 12 months. Current prices may differ.

The cheapest month to fly from New York to San Francisco is typically January. The most expensive one is typically June.



Typical prices: $165–280

Most expensive

Typical prices: $285–425

Popular airports near New York

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Distance and driving time are relative to the city center. Airports are listed based on distance from New York center and popularity with travelers.

Popular airports near San Francisco

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Distance and driving time are relative to the city center. Airports are listed based on distance from San Francisco center and popularity with travelers.

  • San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

    San Francisco

    18 min

    11 mi

  • San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport (OAK)


    26 min

    11 mi

  • San Jose Mineta International Airport (SJC)

    San Jose

    50 min

    39 mi

  • Sacramento International Airport (SMF)


    1 hr 35 min

    78 mi

Frequently asked questions about flying from New York to San Francisco

How long does it take to fly from New York to San Francisco?

5 hr 55 min is the shortest flight time from New York to San Francisco.

When are the cheapest days to fly from New York to San Francisco?

The cheapest days to fly are usually in January. Typical prices range from $165 to $280.

Which airlines provide the cheapest flights from New York to San Francisco?

The best round-trip deal recently found on Google Flights from New York to San Francisco was with Frontier from $181. The best one-way deal was with Frontier from $96.

When are direct flights from New York to San Francisco available?

There are direct flights from New York to San Francisco on a daily basis.

Which airlines have direct flights from New York to San Francisco?

United, Alaska, Delta, JetBlue and American fly direct from New York to San Francisco.

What are the cheapest flights from New York to San Francisco?

The cheapest round-trip flight from New York to San Francisco starts at $181 from Thu, Sep 5 to Wed, Sep 11. The cheapest one-way flight starts at $96 and departs on Thu, Aug 15.

When should you visit San Francisco?

Apr–Dec is when most people visit San Francisco, with crowds peaking in summer. Although average temperatures are higher then, mornings and evenings often have damp, chilly fog. In summer, street fairs and cultural institutions offer free outdoor entertainment. Winter visitors will find the opera and ballet seasons in full swing. Major annual events include Chinese New Year (Feb), Bay to Breakers footrace (May), San Francisco Pride parade and festival (Jun), and San Francisco Fleet Week (Oct).

How do I find cheap dates to fly from New York to San Francisco

It's easy to use Google Flights to find the cheapest days to fly from New York to San Francisco.
Just click the Departure label near the top of the page to open the calendar. Choose a start date and a return date to see how the round-trip fare changes on those specific days.
Adjust the trip type to see one-way fares. The cheapest available flights are highlighted and easy to spot. Once you settle on dates, click the Search button to see flight options and book the deal.

You can also turn on price tracking to get alerts if the price changes for a route or flight.

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Popular trips from New York

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These suggestions are based on the cheapest fares to popular destinations in the next six months.

Prices include required taxes + fees for 1 adult. Optional charges and bag fees may apply.

  1. London


    Nov 14 — Nov 20

    1 stop13 hr 20 minAir Europa

  2. Barcelona


    Nov 11 — Nov 18

    Nonstop7 hr 25 minIberia

  3. San Francisco


    Jul 22 — Jul 31

    1 stop11 hr 15 minFrontier

  4. Tokyo


    Aug 26 — Sep 4

    1 stop15 hr 55 minAir Canada

Find flights from New York to anywhere

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✈ Trip from New York to San Francisco (2024)


How long does it take to fly from New-York to San-Francisco? ›

How long does it take to fly from New York (NYC) to San Francisco (SFO) and what is the distance? It takes around 6 hours 45 minutes to fly from New York (NYC) to San Francisco (SFO).

How far in advance should I book a flight to San-Francisco? ›

Book one to three months in advance

Going, a flight deals aggregator, recommends booking domestic flights one to three months in advance to avoid any price surges in the weeks leading up to the departure date.

Is it faster to fly from New York to California or California to New York? ›

Why is the flight from Los Angeles to New York shorter than the flight from New York to Los Angeles? The prevailing winds at high altitudes blow from west to east. These winds give the airplane extra speed going from California to New York, and slow it down going the other way.

How much is a private jet from New York to California? ›

The cost of charter a private jet from New York to Los Angeles starts at around $40,000* for a one-way flight using a Super Midsize Jet such as the Cessna Citation X. The cost for a heavy jet from NYC to LA starts at around $50,000* for a one-way flight with seating for up to 12-14 passengers.

What is the cheapest time to go to San Francisco? ›

The cheapest month to fly to San Francisco is typically January. During this time, after the holiday season, flight prices tend to drop as demand decreases. Additionally, February and March can also offer good deals, with fewer tourists and pleasant weather.

What is the best day of the week to buy a plane ticket? ›

As previously mentioned, booking airfare on Sunday is cheaper than other days of the week, especially Fridays. Be willing to fly mid-week. Since Thursdays tend to be the cheapest day to fly, see if you can tweak your travel plans so you depart and fly home during the week instead of on weekend days.

What month is the cheapest to fly? ›

Otherwise, winter is the most affordable season in which to fly. A flight in January costs an average of $125 compared to traveling in November. Try to book tickets for winter travel 42 days in advance.

Why does it take longer to fly from NY to CA than it does to fly from CA to NY? ›

Why does it take longer to fly from New York-California than from California-New York? Because the jet stream and prevailing winds in this country tend to run from west to east. So flights from New York to California have a headwind while flights from California to New York have a tail wind.

What is the longest flight in the US? ›

Hawaiian Airlines Flight HA 89 covers 8,199 km (4,427 NM) and takes 11 hours and 35 minutes to head to Honolulu from Boston. Meanwhile, the airline's A330-200 performs HA 51 to the same spot from New York JFK, taking 11 hours and 25 minutes to cover 8,020 km (4,330 NM).

Is NY to LA a long flight? ›

It takes around 6 hours 4 minutes to fly from New York (NYC) to Los Angeles (LAX).


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.