The Caledonian-Record from St. Johnsbury, Vermont (2024)

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The Caledonian-Recordi

St. Johnsbury, Vermont

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Tage 4 Caledonian-Record SI Johnsbury Vt Tuesday August 25 1953 Social Activities East Ryegate Joliffe were in St Johnsbury Thursday afternoon Miss Marjory Hood of Center Haverhill is visiting her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Kenneth De-Rusha Mr and Mrs Richard Sargent Scott and Miss Ethel Scott visited Jimmy Walsh of Hartford Conn at Kingswood Camp Lake Tarlton Monday Miss Mary Devins of Meriden Conn is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Devins Mr and Mrs Joseph Devins attended Danville Fair Tuesday Mrs Ida Wilson spent the week end at her home in Mclndoes Mrs Harry Joliffe and Merrill WARNING Miss Wilkins Winston Badger Wed An August wedding at the Methodist Church in West Danville took place on Thursday Aug 20 at 7 :00 united in marriage Miss Lorraine Esther Wilkins daughter of Mr and Mrs Everett Wilkins of West Danville and Winston Arnold Badger son of Mr and Mrs Phillip Badger Sr of Danville The Rev Loren House Jr and Rev Calvin Seiferth officiated at the service Given in marriage by her father the bride was attired in a blue and white nylon dress and had a corsage of red roses The brides attendant Mrs Leonard Cross Jr of St Johnsbury an aunt of the bride wore a street length dress of navy blue Mrs Wilkins mother1 of the bride was attired in a yellow and black nylon dress Mrs Badger mother of the groom was dressed in a navy blue suit Best man was Phillip Badger Jr brother of the groom Attending the wedding were Misses Patricia and Sharon Wilkins David Wilkins Mr and Mrs Glen Badger Mr and Mrs Alton LaCourse Mrs Harriet Badger Mrs Leonard Cross Sr and Mrs Shirley Cross After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents Wedding cake and coffee was served FOR SPECIAL VILLAGE MEETING TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 10 1953 The legal voters of the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Armory in the Village and Town of St Johnsbury Vermont on the 10th day of September A 1953 between the hours of one in the afternoon and six in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time to vote and ballot pursuant to Chapter 167 of the Vermont Statutes of 1947 on the following articles ARTICLE I To see if the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont will vote to make the following public improvements namely The construction of a rapid sand filter plant at the outlet of Stiles Pond at an estimated cost of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450000) ARTICLE II To see if the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont will authorize its Board of Trustees to issue bonds of the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont to an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400000) said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed three and one-half per cent per annum payable semi-annually and to be sold on bids fixing the rate of interest the same are to bear in order to pay that part of the cost of said improvements for which funds are not currently available The vote upon the above articles shall be by ballot and the form of ballot to be used in voting upon said articles shall be as follows For Special Village Meeting of the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont to be held at the Armory in the Village and Town of St Johnsbury Vermont on the 10th day of September A 1953 between the hours of one and six o'clock in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time Attest: William A Bemis VILLAGE CLERK MR AND MRS HARVEY PHELPS lead the old time promenade in the Mclndoes Academy Hall on the opening night of the Academy Centennial celebration Mrs Phelps is gowned in her original wedding trip costume The other exhibitors who are also appropriately garbed in period costumes demonstrated the intricate promenade steps as spryly as they did over a half a century ago (Clark Photo of Woodsville H) THE HON NORRIS COTTON Congressman from New Hampshire addresses the audience at the I afternoon program of the Mclndoes Academy Centennial on Saturday (Clark Photo of Woodsville Presented by City Dairy for You to Enjoy Porter-Parker Nuptials in Lyndon Mrs Frances Pomeroy Porter of Lyndonville formerly of Newport the daughter of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Pomeroy of Newport was united in marriage with Clarence Parker of Lyndonville also a former resident of Newport and the son of Raymond Parker of Lowell on Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs Urban Deve-reaux in Lyndon Center The Rev Nickerson officiated at the wedding ceremony before a fire place which was banked with flowers and asparagus fern Evergreen and gladioli of various colors were attractively arranged about the Devereaux home The attendants were Mrs Louise Devereaux the bride's sister as matron of honor and Justin A Curtis of Newport was the best man The flower girl was Peggy Lou Porter During the ceremony a niece of the bride Miss Valorie Devereaux played as a violin solo The bride was attired in a light blue suit with accessories of white and her flowers were a bridal bouquet of white gardenias and pom pons The matron of honor Mrs Devereaux wore a light grey suit and her flowers were a corsage of yellow roses Mrs Pomeroy mother of the bride was gowned in a blue flowered silk dress Her flowers were a corsage of red roses Little Peggy Lou Porter as flower girl was dressed in Nile gren and she scattered pansies Following the ceremony an informal reception was held and refreshments served that included a beautifully decorated four tiered wedding cake which was cut by the bride and groom Following the wedding they left for a brief honeymoon at Willoughby Lake after which they will move to Boston where Mr Parker will enroll at Northeastern University The bride is a graduate of Newport High School and received her Degree at Lyndon Normal School She taught school for several years and for the past two years she has been secretary for Miss Rita Boles at Lyndon Teachers College Mr Parker is also a Newport High School graduate and while in Newport he lived at the home of Justin Curtis After graduation from high school he enlisted in the armed forces and was in the ser- vice for four years ey of Atlantic City New Jersey Also visiting with Miss Hurlbutt are Doctor Margaret Poole of Dighton Mass and her daughter Mrs Virginia Ellis and children from Fort Worth Texas who are staying at Motel until Wednesday Houle's sister Mr William Simons and her two sons for a visit street returned home on Sunday evening with her son-in-law Donald McGregor after a week-end visit with the family at the McGregor cottage at Ocean Park Me The older son Douglas who has been on maneu- vers with the ROTC at Ethan Allen Air Force Base for the past four weeks also returned home on Sunday He ha gone to Ocean Park for a visit until Sept 4 when he leaves for Denver Col where he will represent the Boston University chapter at a convention of his fraternity Delta Sigma Pi Mrs Clarence Daniell of the Danville road will entertain the members of the Friendly Circle of the Danville road at its meeting on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock At 4 a cook-out will be held PLAYING 1 FOLLOW THE LEADER" SO NATURALLY WEVE GOT TO FOLLOW A MILK TRUCK FROM If in favor of the improvements make a crags (x) in this square If opposed to the improvements make it cross (x) in this square "More and more people are finding that a glass of milk at lunch gives them extra afternoon energy Why not try it?" says Ed Gray of City Dairy NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB MEETS AT SQUABBLE HOLLOW The monthly meeting of the Squabble Hollow Neighborhood Club was held on Friday evening with 12 members present Following the business meeting a lively discussion was held on the topic A social hour followed and refreshments of sandwiches cake and coffee were served CITY PAIKY ARTICLE I Shall the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont make the following improvements viz: The construction of a rapid sand filter plant at the outlet of Stiles Pond at an estimated cost of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ARTICLE II Shall bonds of the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont to the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400000) bearing interest at not to exceed three and one-half per cent payable semi-annually be issued by the Trustees of the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont for the purpose of paying for the above described public improvements? The polls for voting upon Articles I and II shall be opened at one in the afternoon and shall remain open until six in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time at which time said polls shall be closed and the ballot box turned Dated at St Johnsbury in the County of Caledonia and State of Vermont this 12th day of August AD 1953 Stanley Baraw Alphonse Gauthier Harold Warren Know getting the best Get City Dairy milk regularly! (D LOCAL TRADfMARKS I transportation to and from work Nationally according to the Federal Reserve Board about 646000 private residential units were started in the first seven months of this year Outlays for new construction in the country reached 35 billion dollars a year This was about eight per cent above the like period in 1952 with higher costs accounting for about one-half of the dollar We are our own producers processors and distributors FREE 136 AMERICANS PANMUNJOM I Another 136 Americans and 264 other prisoners of war streamed back to freedom today but the Reds said 400 of the POWs still in stockades may not come batik because they have chosen Communist rule Allied sources confirmed that the Red statement was handed over at a meeting of the Prisoner Repatriation Committee in Pan-munjom last night There was no word of a breakdown of nationalities among the 400 Today's release of 9 American officers and 127 enlisted men Roosted to nearly 2000 the number of Americans liberated in three weeks of the prisoner exchange DAIRY fTJOHNSBURVVT 4114 Trustees of the Village of St Johnsbury Vermont ST JOHNSBURY Mr and Mrs Lee Simonds and daughter Diana of Lexington Mass who were accompanied by Mrs mother Mrs James A Thompson of Main street returned on Friday evening from a vacation motor trip to Lake George and the Thousand Islands Saranac Lake and North Pole on Whitefaee Mountain They returned on Friday evening and the Simonds are spending a few days in town Mrs George Lawton of Main street who has been visiting her parents Mr and Mr Thomas Hunt in Jametown I have returned home The Lawton sons Thomas and George who have also been visiting their grandparent returned home earlier Miss Annie Suitor of Main street left on Monday for a visit with her sister Mrs Stevens in High River Alberta Can William Naatz who has been on a two-week vacation trip to New York City Virginia Beach Va and Washington returns home today Tyler Millard Trenholme is the name of the son born to Mr and Mrs Norman Trenholme of 52 Central street at Brightlook Hospital on Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs Edward Polidor and children Tarrant and Linda of Rochester Miss Jill Montgomery of New Rochelle Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pulsi-fier of Springfield Mrs A Lor-tmer of Newport and A McIntyre of New York City were guests during the past week of Mr and Mrs Naatz of town at their farm at Cole Corner Mrs Beatrice Davis of Summer Attest: William A Bemis Village Clerk Aug 18-25-Sept 1 See How We Ht Your Specifications ALL FINEST QUALITY MATERIALS LITTLETON Shriners staying overnight at Motel were High Priest and Prophet Clarence Huggins of Concord Mr and Mrs Tony Remeck of Rye Mr and Mrs August Bruyniel of South Ware Mass Albert Caswell and party from Amesbury Mass Ervin Dow of Newburyport Mass Mr and Mrs Howard Kelly of Franklin Fred King and party of Claremont and Mr and Mrs Wright from Newburyport Mass Mrs William Houle and children returned last night from Brockton Mass where they visited for a week at the home of Mrs Houle's parents Mr and Mrs George Bergeron They brought back Mrs Callers at the home of Miss Ida Hurlbutt Sunday were Miss Emma Singer and Miss Geneva Bail- BUILD YOUR OWN HOME FOR To be featured in September GLAMOUR Benjamin Moore Paints Thermopane Windows Thoroseal Waterproofing Modernfold and RaTox Folding Doors Anderson Windows and Casem*nts St Charles and Morgan Kitchens Finest Building Lumber comfort! Quality All Dimensions tyiLuo you tlujJoofr AuleUtUf tlujJubjf' Lyndonville Phones Go "Dial" Sept 3 (Continued from Page One) three parties in addition to his own Calls requiring the services of an operator Lawton pointed out will be handled at St Johnsbury where the switchboard provides ample facilities for all the requirements of Lyndonville customers Such calls include long distance calls and requests for information In a letter to all customers in the Lyndonville exenange Lawton is informing them that they will receive shortly a new directory containing the new numbers they will use for dialing calls after 12 noon September 3 1953 At the same time that Lyndonville goes to dial service toll-free direct dialing between St Johnsbury Barnet and North Monroe will go into operation Customers in St Johnsbury Bar-net and North Monroe wili receive this week a new number plate which they are asked to place on their telephones at this time In connection with the toll-free direct dialing eeach exchange will have a telephonic name The St Johnsbury exchange will be Pioneer the Barnet exchange will be NEptune and North Monroe I becomes MErcury Instructions on how to make toll- 1 free direct calls will be found in the front pages of the new telephone directory which is being de livered this week to all telephone subscribers in the St Johnsbury-Newport area There will be no increase in rates in St Johnsbury in establish- ing the toll-free direct dialing between St Johnsbury Barnet and Mclndoes It is expected that later Concord will cut into this system as present company plans call for the completion of a dial system in Concord in April 1954 Still later Danville will join the dial system LANDRY'S YARD COODS SHOP has your Favorite Fabrics for stylish Fall Fittings and For Femmes and going back to school VELVETEEN $289 yd Jersey S269 yd ALUB tLK-LOSEROVL Building Hardware Cement Brick Clapboards Ceiling Tile Drainage Tile And Insulating Board Plywood Roofing Kitchen Cabinets Building Paper And Hardwood And Softwood Flooring ALL FINEST QUALITY MATERIALS The Better Homes Are Constructed of Materials Ordered from Caldhcck-Cosgrove Inc POPLIN (water repellent) 69 yd 60 TWEED (100 wool) $298 yd Simply Wonderful Your Cardigan Coat RAYON (wool mixed) SI 98 yd RAYON 59c and 69c yd twill lining DENIM (sanforized) 69c yd KASHA CLOTH 39c yd lining and interlining NYLON and RAYON BLANKETS by Linda Peppered S698 BRICHT RED RAYON and COTTON FLANNEL for Nighties and Pajamas $59 yd Homes Remain At High Price Level (Continued from Page One) in the basem*nt and in a good location runs from $15000 to $18000 at current prices it was explained Houses in what are termed preferred locations are selling for about $25000 dealers said and these new type dwellings are in constant demand The range for older homes is listed at from $7500 to $10000 The big factor in home construction was given as wages Outside the city limits prices for homes vary but new ones dealers said run from $10000 to $12000 and more and do not vary much from construction bills for city-erected dwellings There is a trend dealers said toward moving into the suburbs But in erecting a home outside the city the owner runs into the cost of putting in a well which may run about $1500 and a septic tank it was pointed out In addition real estate men said suburban dwellers must figure the cost of their In Warren of Strafford's furry shag pure wool Luxuriously soft and furry warm yet light Sizes 8 to 18 $75 OUR VERY OWN PRINTED COTTON FLANNELETTES for sport shirts 69c yd 100 WOOL RUG PIECES for Hooking and Braiding 89c lb AT MARIE YARD GOODS SHOP Caledonia County's Wonderland of Fabrics and Patterns 154 Railroad St Dial 2214 St Johnsbury Vt Open Fri Nights Till 9 Sat Eve Till 5:30 Tote hom*o a hand carton of 6 boltlet COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO OF ST JOHNSBURY.

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The Caledonian-Record from St. Johnsbury, Vermont (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.