1. Point Caches in Ayon - General - Ynput community
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I would like to start discussion about handling point cache family in Ayon. There are some similarities between formats like abc/bgeo/usd/… that can be handled by the same logic, but at the same time they require different approach on validators, extraction and even loading. Putting here two comments that appeared on #4588 so the discussion could proceed here: @fabiaserra I was testing the Houdini publisher when I got confused (again, because I remember coming across this same confusion a c...
2. Some general questions about potential adoption of Ayon, while ...
May 14, 2023 · Really its just a slightly glorified cache for the time of publishing. That being said we'd like to give option to stage a publish, get most ...
Reposting this from the discord: …Hi everyone. our Pipeline supe Raised the possibility of openpipe/Ayon as an evolution of our pipe at The Embassy vfx. I’ve been doing some reading and I see some potential here, and a great many hurdles. The primary one being that our current lighting and lookdev is done in Houdini and we’ll be moving to LOPs as our future workflow. Seems like we would be doing a lot of our own heavy lifting there. I’ll post a pair of follow up questions that I’d love thoughts...
3. Eventual Consistency for Cache Update with Read-Write Splitting
Nov 13, 2019 · In this post, we will talk about how to achieve eventual consistency for cache update with read-write splitting.
We all know that cache update/invalidation is hard to do correctly. Things can become particularly interesting when you split the…
4. Cache made consistent - Engineering at Meta
Jun 8, 2022 · We want to help reduce the number of cache invalidation issues that engineers have to deal with and help make all caches with invalidations more consistent.
Caches help reduce latency, scale read-heavy workloads, and save cost. They are literally everywhere. Caches run on your phone and in your browser. For example, CDNs and DNS are essentially geo-rep…
5. Basics of Cache Memory - UMD Computer Science
A split cache is one where we have a separate data cache and a separate instruction cache. Here, the two caches work in parallel, one transferring data and the ...
See AlsoInterested in wearing contacts?Dr A. P. Shanthi
6. Splitting and Caching React Chunks - DEV Community
Dec 30, 2023 · The perfect caching strategy would be to split our code into 2 different categories: common chunks and route chunks.
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. - Phil...
7. Ayon Chowdhury on LinkedIn: #googleupdates
Google replaces the cache link with links to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine - but man does it take a lot of clicks to get to this link. If you've tried ...
Be safe from HCU #googleupdates. 👇
8. Prompt caching (beta) - Anthropic API
Prompt Caching is a powerful feature that optimizes your API usage by allowing resuming from specific prefixes in your prompts.
Prompt caching is a powerful feature that optimizes your API usage by allowing resuming from specific prefixes in your prompts. This approach significantly reduces processing time and costs for repetitive tasks or prompts with consistent elements.